Sunday, April 15, 2012

Action 062: Set Goals.

I am on a web site that sends out e-mails however many times a week, e-mails that I rarely read.

For whatever reason, I read an e-mail sent out today.  The gals who run the web site are going to have an eight week challenge.  One of the key points they noted in this e-mail is to set goals, using guiding questions, for the eight week duration.  If you happen to want to check out the web site... Tone It Up.

I may not be following their plan exactly, but I like the idea of doing a simple eight weeks.  Then I can do another, but starting with eight weeks gets me through my half marathon (which I failed a bit on training for this last week... whoops...).

Visualize the next eight weeks and where you'll be in eight weeks...  What you want to achieve...
(Start: April 15.  End: June 9.)

Where do you want to be?
I want to have finished my first half marathon (June 2).  
I want to actually eat my five-eight servings of freggies a day.
I want to be in a smaller size clothing.

How do you want to feel in eight weeks?
I want to feel more comfortable participating in physical activities, by working on building up my lung capacity.  I also want to be prouder of my body and its capabilities.

What challenges will you overcome by summer?
Asthma, lack of healthy eating, funky living arrangements (almost overcome by the end of this period), being jobless (I hope...)...

How do you plan on staying committed?
Telling everybody and their mothers I'm doing x,y, z.  By working hard with Christine on our respective challenges and remembering I always have something to work toward.  Oh and by actually sticking to the plan.

"Failure to plan means planning to fail."  (Heard at WW)

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