Saturday, April 28, 2012

Action 009: Am I Ready?

This coming week is going to be NUTS.  On a super duper amount of levels.

I somehow work, even in a minimal fashion, every day.

I want to get two, maybe even three, loads (including my desk) into storage.

I need to pack for my trip home.  Because this isn't just any trip home, this graduation.  Ok, so it's my third collegiate/graduate one, but whatever.  It's still graduation and I want to look super duper cute.  Which means bringing home like three dresses, plus the one that's already there.  I mean, you never know what your body is going to decide to do the day of.  Ok, maybe stars know, but I don't have dressers, so I have to have choices.

Plus, I need to make sure these dresses will fit!  This is bloat week (hello being a woman... :P), so I can't say how well my body responded to the added exercise this week.  Next week is going to be a hardcore week.  I already have my eating plan laid out, plus a hardcore exercise plan.  Is this something I'll keep up for good?  Of course not.  But sometimes, events take priority and this will be a butt kicking week (plus keeping it up through the next week for "the" dress).  I swear, I probably won't even do this for my wedding!  Not that that's happening anytime soon, seeing as how there's not even a man in the picture...

None the less!  OK, so I have date night with one of my gal pals on Friday (yay!) and yes, I'll be splurging on some popcorn and diet coke.

I'll have a long run to do, think 10 or so miles.  (And a 12 miler to fit in while I'm home... I clearly plan oh so well).

I get my hair cut on Saturday.  Woohoo!  Best mommy ever.  Cause she's paying for it cause she also wants me to be super duper cute on grad day.  And let's just say, it's been a long while since it's been cut.  So it's currently NOT super duper cute.

And THEN.  Monday!  The day before I leave.  The plan?  Work.  Run.  Get nails done.  Go to dinner with Kerry and fam.  Get massage (my grad gift to myself).  I figure I better be packed by then or geez.  Luckily, for once, I'm not leaving at the ass crack of dawn on Tuesday, so I'll be able to get in a workout then too.  Plus, the going around unplugging everything and all that jazz.

Am I Ready?


(OK, so I totally forgot to publish this last night cause I apparently can't remember to hit publish - sorry for the delay folks!)

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