Monday, November 28, 2011

The Anti-Train: Week 4!

Post Holiday Letdown – whew!  Switch up your diet this week.  Try one fruit AND one vegetable that you’ve never tried before, while learning how to cook with those foods.

I’m going to the grocery store later on today, so I’ll do an update on this blog to share with you what foods I got and recipes I found to include those foods in my meals.  I’m really excited for this particular challenge though, since this week is ALL about NOT eating out.  I made a mini challenge with myself to not eat out for a single meal.  This may sound stupid, but if you saw how much money and calories I’ve lost from the amount of eating out I’ve done, you’d see why I have to do this!

“Everyone has a ‘risk muscle’.  You keep it in shape by trying new things.  If you don’t, it atrophies.  Make a point of using it at least once a day.”  ~ Roger Von Oech

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