Yesterday, I mentioned being thankful for what I have in this world and what abilities I possess.
Today, I'm thankful in a different way and reminded of why we should also thank others for their gifts to us.
I spent some time today writing two thank you cards. Yes, writing. Not computer typing, writing. Why does this matter? Well, I think we forget how absolutely impersonal a computer can be. There may seem to be so little difference between computers and hand writing, but I don't agree. Computers are easy, especially for my generation and those after me. It's easy to just type something up and send off, with nary even a proof read. When we take the time to write, and yes, it takes time, we think about what we want to say, we think about how we want to say it, and we think through what physically goes down on the paper. Why? Because we don't want to have to start over.
I could be wrong, but I think both of these people will enjoy receiving actual hand-written cards versus email. Both were incredibly generous to me and they're family in every way that counts. I hope, when they read my card, they know this and feel this.
I think it's important to remember to not only say, "thank you", but to express it in other ways as well. I personally love receiving mail (and rarely do), so I need to remember to share that with others.
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