Friday, December 2, 2011

The Anti-Train: Day 27

Are there times when you’re hungrier than usual?  How do you deal with this?

Well, clearly, during Aunt Flo’s visits… but my body has changed.  I’m now hungry the week before.  I’ll know just about exactly when it comes based on that.  I’ll try to control the hunger by eating a little more frequently and with freggies.  So instead of every 3-4 hours, I’ll eat every 1-2.  Granted, not the healthiest by any guidelines, but I find that when I snack reallllly frequently, and on freggies, I don’t gorge as much (if at all!) on crap, especially the eat out kind.  The other times I’m “hungry” is when I’m emotional.  I.e. I have to be REALLY good about checking in and seeing if I’m physically hungry, looking at my schedule to see when I last ate, and then determine if it is actual hunger or not.  Suffice it to say, I have yet to master this portion of things, but working on it!

“The trouble with resisting temptation is that you may not get another chance.” ~ Edwin Chapin

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