Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Wowie, have I been lackadaisical about updating...

Post 6 miles run, I kept up with my maintenance runs.  Now that cross-training thing... well... Hhmmm...

I did bike ride one day.  I haven't ridden in quite possibly over 10 years.  To say that was reallllllly amusing it to put it nicely.  I didn't fall off!  I won't mention the running into a fence...


The week after the 6-miler was an 8 mile run.  Holy smokies... But got it done!  Whoo!

Then... then it came... the 10 mile.  Wow.  I had trouble with this one, something I'll discuss in my next blog.  I'll hint now and say it references the "runner's low".  But!  I did 10 miles!  At a 15 minute pace!  I've already knocked a minute off my time, so keep on trucking downward!  The goal is sub-14 minute mile consistently by October 30th (race day).

The weekend after was this last weekend, a recovery run of 5 miles.  I ended up sleeping in a bit after a dinner party the previous night.  The guy I'm dating ran with me... which I wasn't too sure about in the beginning and remain on the fence about now.  He's mucho faster than I and I just felt sort of embarrassed the whole time.  I don't mind my time in general... there's just something about running with the significant other when your paces are so clearly off the mark.  But he was very sweet to want to support me and come out with me.  I will admit... as mean as it is... I got secret pleasure the next day out of the fact that he was sore... Hehehe.  I never said I was ALWAYS nice!!! 

Anyways, so I'll be running 12 miles this weekend.  Ho boy.

On another note, I'm still about $250 short of the mark... Oh gosh!  Hopefully I'll make it in time.  I've got a few days left!

Picture blog to come...

On yet another note, an extended family member was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  The outlook is not good.  So please people, get checked.  Whether it's the prostate, genitals, breasts, and whatever else, take care of yourself.  It's not just about healthy eating and working out, it's about being vigilant about your own health.  So take charge.

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